EN ISO 9606 

EN287 is based on ISO9606. The new revision of EN 287 Part 1, was to become EN ISO 9606 Part 1, but agreement could not be reached.

EN 287 Part 1 : Latest Revision  :  Steel Materials

Material Grouping :-

  • Material groups are the same as the procedure standard EN ISO 15614 but with a much wider range of approval
Diameter Approval :- 
  • Pipe Diameter < 25mm     D to 2 D
  • Pipe Diameter > 25mm     0.5D (25mm Min) and above + Plates
  • Thickness Approval :-
    • Is the same, except a seperate approval range exists for fillet welds (t >= 3mm aprroves all thicknesses from 3mm).
    Fillet Welds :-
    • Single run fillet welds don’t approve multi run
    • Multi run approve single run
    • Approval range is independent of throat thickness and test piece thickness
    Flux :-
    • Flux Cored welding wires have an approval based on flux type and Metal Cored wire now addressed

    Welding Positions :-

    • Very similar to the old EN287-1.  J-LO45 now approves all positions except H-L045 and PF
    Testing :-
    • Minimum length or Circumference of test weld 150mm, for small diameter pies multiple test pieces may be required.
    • It would appear that butt welds can now be approved by bend tests alone! However application codes may not permit this route.

    More details on the new EN287 Part 1, in pdf format.

    EN ISO 9606-3:1999   Copper and Copper Alloys

    W 31: Pure copper
    W 32: Copper-zinc alloys
    W 33: Copper-tin alloys
    W 34: Copper-nickel alloys
    W 35: Copper-aluminium alloys
    W 36: Copper-nickel-zinc alloys

    The testing of small bore pipes require a minimum circumference of 150mm, additional pipes are required otherwise.

    Thickness range is 0.5t to 1.5t for all thicknesses

    Diameters range the same as EN287-1 except diameters >25mm approve all diameters 0.5D and above

    Positional approval same as EN287-1

    Acceptance is EN 30042  all level B except for the defects permitted by EN287-1 as level C.

    EN ISO 9606-4:1999  Nickel and Nickel Alloys

    W 41: Pure nickel
    W 42: Nickel-copper alloys
    W 43: Nickel-chromium alloys
    W 44: Nickel-molybdenum alloys
    W 45: Nickel-iron-chromium alloys
    W 46: Nickel-chromium-cobalt alloys
    W 47: Nickel-iron-chromium-copper

    A test in W41 approves W41 to W47 not vice versa
    A test in any group W42 to W47 approves all of the groups
    A test in any group W41 to W47 approves W11 {Austenitic Stainless Steel} EN287-1

    Thickness range same as EN287-1

    Diameters range the same except diameters >25mm approve all diameters 0.5D and above

    Positional approval same some anomaly exists with the approval range for JL045

    The testing of small bore pipes require a minimum circumference of 150mm, additional pipes are required otherwise.

    Acceptance is the same as EN 287-1  EN ISO 25817 

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    Page last updated 16 March 2004